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CreativeWare Beverage Dispenser with Ice Cylinder and Fruit Infuser, 3 Gallon, Clear
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CreativeWare Beverage Dispenser with Ice Cylinder and Fruit Infuser, 3 Gallon, Clear

Product ID: 5161138
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CreativeWare has developed yet another first class beverage dispenser. The new dispenser is made of BPA free acryilic material and offers a ice column and infuser to flavor anyone's favorite beverage. Holds up to three gallons. The ice column can be filled with ice to keep beverages cool and not dilute them. It can also be filled with water and placed in a freezer then put back in the dispenser. The newest feature is a infuser that simply snaps on to the ice column that can be filled with fruit, zest, tea or anything else to add extra flavor the beverage. Best of all, made domestically in our own factory in the USA.

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Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

1 week ago

Neha S.

Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

2 weeks ago

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