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Show-How Guides: Show-How Guides: Pop-Up Cards : The 5 Essential Designs & Techniques Everyone Should Know! (Paperback)
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Show-How Guides: Show-How Guides: Pop-Up Cards : The 5 Essential Designs & Techniques Everyone Should Know! (Paperback)

Product ID: 505756155
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WANT TO CUT, FOLD, AND CREATE? WE'LL SHOW YOU HOW! Show-How Guides: Pop-Up Cards is a primer for curious minds with a clear, fun graphic style that invites any kid to get started designing cards for their loved ones. This pocket-sized 101 includes a curated collection of 12 essential designs. Every step is illustrated, allowing kids to easily master the basics, regardless of how they learn. Readers will learn to design, fold, and decorate pop-up cards in both classic and unique styles. SHOW-HOW GUIDES offers visual, step-by-step introductions to skills that every kid should know―from hair braiding and paper airplanes, to drawing animals, pumpkin carving, gingerbread houses, and more! Whether you're a second grader learning to make friendship bracelets for the first time or an adult looking to master the art of knots, these comics will give you the skills you'll treasure through childhood and beyond. Show-How Guides: Pop-Up Cards is a primer for curious minds with a clear, fun graphic style that invites any kid to get started designing cards for their loved ones. This pocket-sized 101 includes a curated collection of 12 essential designs. Every step is illustrated, allowing kids to easily master the basics, regardless of how they learn.Readers will learn to design, fold, and decorate pop-up cards in both classic and unique styles.SHOW-HOW GUIDES offers visual, step-by-step introductions to skills that every kid should know―from hair braiding and paper airplanes, to drawing animals, pumpkin carving, gingerbread houses, and more! Whether you’re a second grader learning to make friendship bracelets for the first time or an adult looking to master the art of knots, these comics will give you the skills you’ll treasure through childhood and beyond.

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