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Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Ride On Toy for Toddlers and Kids
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Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Ride On Toy for Toddlers and Kids

Product ID: 479600847
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For over 50 years, the Little Tikes Cozy Coupe has been the kid-powered ride-on that parents know and trust. Kids love being behind the wheel, while adults love the durability and comfortable design. Kids will love that the Cozy Coupe is easy to maneuver with the 360 degree spinning front wheels and tires for both indoor and outdoor play. For parents, the Cozy Coupe transitions easily from a parent-powered ride-on with the built-in handle to a foot-to-floor ride-on by removing the floorboard. The Cozy Coupe transitions easily as your toddler grows. Kids will love playing pretend in the Cozy Coupe by Little Tikes. Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Ride On Toy for Toddlers and Kids: GROWS AS KIDS DO. The removable floorboard makes this ride-on transition easily between parent-controlled and kid-powered modes DESIGNED FOR PARENTS, TOO. The comfortable rooftop handle is designed for parents to navigate as a push ride on with ease KIDS TAKE THE WHEEL. Take the removable floorboard out and older kids can roll themselves around using their feet KEEPS KIDS ACTIVE & ENGAGED. Toddlers love playing with the steering wheel, key, horn, & cup holders.  A great additional for your little one who loves car toys. TONS OF CONVENIENT STORAGE. Kids can access easy storage in the trunk WORKS INDOORS OR OUTDOORS. This ride-on has durable tires that are designed for indoor and outdoor use. Go on a ride around the living room or take it for a spin at the local park. EASY TO MANEUVER. Both front wheels spin 360 degrees for easy maneuverability and total control of the ride on.  A great ride on toy for active toddlers. Maximum weight limit: up to 50lbs. Assembly Required  Ages: 18 Months - 5 Years

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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Very reliable shop with genuine products. Will definitely buy again!

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