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Vamousse Complete Lice Kit With Treatment Mousse, Daily Shampoo & Lice Comb, Kills Super Lice & Eggs
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Vamousse Complete Lice Kit With Treatment Mousse, Daily Shampoo & Lice Comb, Kills Super Lice & Eggs

Product ID: 460529958
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Vamousse Complete Lice Kit With Treatment Mousse, Daily Shampoo Lice Comb, Kills Super Lice and Eggs Vamousse Lice Treatment Complete Kit kills lice and eggs in one treatment to help families get rid of head lice and keep them away. Designed to treat 1 person with a head lice infestation, this pesticide-free lice kit contains Vamousse's easy-to-use foaming mousse to target lice and eggs where they hide and Vamousse Lice Defense Daily Shampoo for ongoing control to kill re-contracted lice or lice missed during treatment. The unique mousse formula allows for quick and precise application to make the process easy, especially on children. With a 15-minute application on dry hair, the mousse is a clinically proven lice and egg killer, including pesticide-resistant super lice. Traditional head lice kits kill adult lice using a pesticide-based neurotoxin. These treatments require a second treatment because they have limited or no ability to kill undeveloped eggs (nits). Pesticide-free Vamousse Lice Treatment ends the life cycle by killing lice and eggs (nits) in one application. Vamousse works quickly to kill both lice and eggs by disrupting the exoskeleton and causing gut rupture of the intestinal track followed by dehydration. Lice are killed and eggs are rendered no longer viable. Kit includes a reusable professional steel comb to remove dead lice and nits. Vamousse is safe to reapply as needed. Vamousse Lice Defense Daily Shampoo is designed for ongoing control to kill lice re-contracted or lice missed during treatment. If one family member is infested, others were likely exposed. Use Vamousse Lice Shampoo in place of regular shampoo for 10 - 14 days after treatment or for other family members exposed to lice to kill any undetected lice with each wash. Gaining control over head lice doesn't have to mean a prescription solution. Get relief that you can count on with Vamousse Head Lice Treatment Mousse and Vamousse Lice Daily Defense Shampoo. Get Vamousse!The ONLY head lice brand to offer a full range of clinically proven treatment, follow-up, and daily prevention head lice solutions for the whole family. Kill, defend, and prevent lice, super lice and eggs (nits). Treat to kill lice and eggs with clinically proven easy-to-apply mousse. Defend against re-exposure with daily lice killer maintenance shampoo. Includes professional steel comb for combing out dead lice and nits. Designed to effectively treat 1 person with an active head lice infestation. Up to 100% effective with application and combing; repeat as needed. No harsh chemicals and pesticide-free. Gentle for kids, powerful for whole family. Vamousse offers a full line of effective lice solutions for the whole family.

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The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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