BOOYAH Pad Crasher Jr Hollow Body Frog Bullfrog 2" 1/4 oz.
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BOOYAH Pad Crasher Jr Hollow Body Frog Bullfrog 2" 1/4 oz.

Product ID: 460436042
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The Booyah Pad Crasher Jr. lets you get in where the big ones like to hide. The soft plastic, hollow-body is weed- and snag-free and it is weighted for long casts into the muck. This fishing frog rides at a realistic angle in the water and can easily be walked across the surface. It also has premium double 2/0 hooks that result in solid hook sets when there is a strike. This frog makes an ideal addition to your tackle box and fishing gear to help you start reeling them in. Bass fishing is all about giving the fish what they want, and sometimes the key is a little less commotion and a more subtle presentation, which is what you get with the Booyah Pad Crasher Jr. The long spinnerbait-style legs can be trimmed to fit your fishing situation, and the bass boat type belly allows you to achieve a walk-the-dog retrieve in open water. BOOYAH Pad Crasher Junior Fishing Lure Hollow body Frog Bullfrog 2 In. 1/4 Oz.: The Booyah Pad Crasher Jr. Hollow-body frog features Bass boat belly that prompts it to walk side to side Drain hole at the back ensures it always runs perfectly BYA pad crasher Jr. - Bull Frog

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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Fatima A.

Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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