Bembika Baby Pocket Cloth Diapers Reusable Cloth Diapers Washable Adjustable Cloth Diapers One Size Adjustable Reusable (7 Pack) (0-2 Years) (No Inserts Included)
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Bembika Baby Pocket Cloth Diapers Reusable Cloth Diapers Washable Adjustable Cloth Diapers One Size Adjustable Reusable (7 Pack) (0-2 Years) (No Inserts Included)

Product ID: 392116017
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Bembika washable reusable cloth diaper all sizes adjustable pocket diaper quick and easy step for using bembika cloth diaper:- Step 1: Always wash the diaper and insert both atleast once or twice before using, skipping this step can cause leaks. Step 2: Always resize diaper before use using the front panel of snaps according to your baby. The size must be such that there are no gaps around the thigh. A loose diaper can be uncomfortable for babies. Step 3: Put the soaker /insert into the pocket of diaper. One soaker/insert will last 2.5- 3 hours for an average wetting baby. If your baby is a heavy wetter, please add additional inserts. To wash remove and rinse off the residuals (knock solids into toilet), then store in dry pail, machine wash (no hotter than 30oc), cold rinse, hang them up to dry in the sun (sunlight helps bleach the nappies to remove any remaining stains), or "low" tumble dry, do not store nappies for too many days, should be washed in 1-2 days, no bleach, no softner, do not boil the cover. Materials outer layer: Polyester with waterproof and breathable tpu .It's convenient for mammy to carry baby while taking a walk or doing chores. Inner layer: Suede cloth inside, it does not hold moisture itself ,the moisture get drawn away to the insert to keep your baby dry

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