Derby Originals Universal Vented Neoprene Non-Slip Saddle Pad - Lightweight Breathable Design - Prevents Tack Slippage and Shifting while Riding
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Derby Originals Universal Vented Neoprene Non-Slip Saddle Pad - Lightweight Breathable Design - Prevents Tack Slippage and Shifting while Riding

Product ID: 34654106
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Put an end to saddle slippage with this non-slip pure neoprene rubber pad. The neoprene rubber helps to grip your tack and assists in keeping everything securely in place. To use this non-slip pad, simply place it directly on your horse's back in the location where you would like the saddle to sit, then layer your saddle pad and other tack on top. This pad stays completely concealed while keeping all your tack in the perfect position to prevent any discomfort for both you and your horse. This pad is made from a lightweight neoprene rubber that is incredibly lightweight, can be easily cut to size so you can adjust the pad for your own personalized fit, and features ventilation holes to ensure airflow and increase comfort. Our pads are the best selling non-slip pads on the market and are favored by professional horsemen!

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Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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